Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Aaron Lopresti
TF: Did T.H.U.N.D.E.R. get canceled already?
DM: Well were they IN the DCU? If not then they can wait. Besides someone went and signed an exclusive across town.
TF: Oh they were in the DCU. I’m just not seeing the point of their purchasing those characters. Unless it was spite against the late John Carbonaro. I could believe that one.
DM: Well the point is that they are good characters and DC was trying to do something with them for ages. I’m thinking that Spencer following the “Great Image Comics Career Plan” may have left them minus one edgy hip writer to ride herd on that book. Come on. Remember my rule. Any book here in the relaunch has to be BETTER in concept than the Secret Six. THUNDER Agents is not that. It’s maybe the 55th book but not the 54th.
TF: Who do we have here...Batman, Rocket Red, Fire, Ice, August-General-in-Iron, Vixen, Guy Gardner, Booster Gold, and...Donna Troy? Gypsy? help me out here.
DM: I can’t see why Bruce Wayne would give a shit about this team. He’s busy. This is a job for Dick Grayson. You know what I don’t get about the JLI, here? What mission would be big enough for a Justice League but that the JLA wouldn’t do? You know like are Flash and Green Lantern really saying, “Umm...no, why don’t we farm that out to the Chinese cat in the armor and that Russian in the armor and that Norwegian cold chick. France is SO FAR AWAY...for our teleporters to send us. Hey Batman, see if those guys wanna save the Louvre!”
TF: You may as well ask why is there more than one international superhero team on the relaunch list. So I’ll ask it now. Stormwatch: why?
DM: Why what? Why is Stormwatch getting a book or why aren’t they the JLI?
TF: Don’t they have the same mission statement?
DM: Yes.
TF: That just brings me back around to T.H.U.N.D.E.R. also having the same mission statement.
DM: Yes, “We kick ass where other super heroes can’t be bothered to team up and go.”
DM: It looks like the best thing to do here would have been to make a book called ThunderWATCH International. It would include Hawksmoor, Apollo, Midnighter, J’onn J’onzz, Dynamo, Noman, Lightning, Fire, Ice Maiden, Booster Gold, Rocket Red and the August General in Iron. Add Guy Gardner when the sales drop at issue 10.
TF: And put Batman in your final issue.
DM: Damn right. He teleports Gotham to Oslo because he can’t be bothered to leave it to solve a mystery in fucking Oslo. This book has Hawksmoor, the breakout character for Wildstorm so I’m in for now.

"It looks like the best thing to do here would have been to make a book called ThunderWATCH International. It would include Hawksmoor, Apollo, Midnighter, J’onn J’onzz, Dynamo, Noman, Lightning, Fire, Ice Maiden, Booster Gold, Rocket Red and the August General in Iron. Add Guy Gardner when the sales drop at issue 10."
I would have totally bought this book.
As for the actual book, I am disappointed it is Bruce Wayne as Batman instead of Dick Grayson, but well, what do I know?
Maybe there will be a 'Justice League Galactic' to give those poor schmoes that can travel interdimensionally a job. At this point, as soon as I hear "Justice League", I'm already tuning out.
That's fair. So far it's been a while since the JL anything was high concept enough to be interesting. DC has spent the last several years using big named (and less than big named) creators to sell the title when the solution to sales was right in front of them.
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